E-Liquids Superstore is now Part of Vape Superstore

Dear Valued Customers,

We want to inform you that E-Liquid Superstore has been acquired by Vape Superstore. It has been a pleasure serving you, and we will miss our wonderful community of customers.

What this means for you:

  • Customer Accounts: Our team will be reaching out to each of you individually to discuss the transfer of your account and any unused reward points to Vape Superstore.
  • Rewards Transfer: You have the option to transfer all your unused reward points to Vape Superstore, so you can continue to enjoy your benefits without interruption.

Next Steps:

  1. Visit Vape Superstore: Click here to explore their wide range of products.
  2. Account Transfer: Our customer service team will contact you soon to assist with the transfer of your account and reward points.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on your email for updates and instructions regarding your account and rewards.
Visit Vape Superstore