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Caste list

From Modi to cricket to young influencers, caste is no longer a barrier to the top in India

Our interviews from 2023



Charles Spencer

The writer, historian, podcaster and 9th Earl Spencer Charles Spencer talks about boarding school trauma, class aspirations and the importance of speaking out
“It is a class issue… parents wanting to fit in because that is what their families have always done”

The Surveys

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Do you think there is a large gap between social classes in Britain?

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The author Interview

Ruth Ivo

Former burlesque dancer discusses her fictionalised memoir of Soho life in Performance, the exhilarating freedom of club nights in her youth and “hatching” from an egg on stage
“When you see extremely violent sexual stuff on stage you always need to ask: who’s creating it for who and why?”
The author Interview

Ruth Ivo

Former burlesque dancer discusses her fictionalised memoir of Soho life in Performance, the exhilarating freedom of club nights in her youth and “hatching” from an egg on stage
“When you see extremely violent sexual stuff on stage you always need to ask: who’s creating it for who and why?”


From my Perspective Q&As